Publicaciones en revistas científicas
Guzman M, Angadi V, Croake D, Catalan C, Romero A, Acuña G, Quezada C, Andreatta R, Stemple J. Does a Systematic Vocal Exercise Program Enhance the Physiologic Range of Voice Production in Classical Singing Graduate-Level Students? Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 2020; 63:1044-1052. Ver link
Guzman M, Ortega A, Salgado L, Rocha C, Quezada C. Efficacy of voice therapy with Acapella Choice ® device in subjects with vocal fatigue delivered via telepractice. Journal of Voice. Accepted
Guzman M, Araneda O F, Castro C, Acevedo K, Pacheco C, Moran C, Quezada C. H2O2 Concentration in Exhaled Breath Condensate Increases After Phonotrauma: A Promise of Noninvasive Monitoring? Journal of Voice. In Press. ver link
Guzman M, Acevedo K, Castro C, Moran C, Espinoza V, Quezada C. Tissue mobilization during double source of vibration semioccluded vocal tract exercises: a neck and face-surface acceleration study. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. 2021. 8;64(11):4124-4137. link
Contreras-Ruston F, Gonzalez N, Acevedo K, Guzmán M. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Chilean Version of the Voice Activity and Participation Profile - VAPP. CoDAS 2021;33(4):e20200065
Guzman M, Denizoglu I, Fridman D, Loncon C, Rivas C, Garcia R, Rodriguez L, Morán C, Quezada C. Physiologic voice rehabilitation based on water resistance therapy with connected speech in subjects with vocal fatigue. Journal of Voice. In Press. Ver link
Antonetti AES, Vitor JS, Guzman M, Calvache C, Brasolotto, AG, Silverio KCA. Efficacy of a Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises-Therapeutic Program in Behavioral Dysphonia: A Randomized and Blinded Clinical Trial. Journal of Voice. In Press. Ver link
Guzman M, Calvache C, Ugalde N, Pacheco F, Ortiz V, Del lago J, Bobadilla M. A Voice Rehabilitation Protocol with the Semioccluded Ventilation Mask in Subjects with Symptoms of Vocal Fatigue and Phonatory Effort. Journal of Voice. In Press. Ver link
Castillo A, Contreras F, Cantor-Curitiva L, Codino J, Guzman M, Malebran C, Manzano C, Pavez A, Vaiano T, Wilder F, Behlau M. Voice therapy in the context of the covid-19 pandemic; guidelines for clinical practice. Journal of Voice. In Press. Ver link.
Contreras-Ruston F, Guzman M, Gonzalez N, Acevedo K, Equivalencia cultural de la Versión Chilena del Voice Activity and Participation Profile - VAPP. CoDAS, Accepted.
Echternach M, Köberlein M, Gellrich D. Guzman M, Laukkanen A-M, Burk F, Döllinger M, Richter B, Kainz M-A. Duration of biodynamic changes associated with a water resistance therapy. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology. In press. Link
Guzman M, Bertucci T, Pacheco C, Leiva F, Quintana F, Ansaldi R, Quezada C, Muñoz D. Effectiveness of a physiologic voice therapy program based on different semioccluded vocal tract exercises in subjects with behavioral dysphonia: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Communication Disorders. 2020;87:106023. Ver link.
Guzman N, Castro C, Acevedo K, Moran C, Espinoza V, Quezada C. How do tube diameter and vocal tract configuration affect oral pressure characteristics caused by bubbling during water resistance therapy? Journal of Voice. In press. Ver link
Saldias, M, Laukkanen A-M, Guzman M, Miranda G, Stoney J, Alku P, Sundberg J. The vocal tract in loud twang-like singing while producing high and low pitches. Journal of Voice. In press. Ver link
Guzman M, Acevedo K, Leiva F, Ortiz V, Hormazabal N, Quezada C. Aerodynamic characteristics in growl voice and reinforced falsetto in metal singing. Journal of Voice. 2019; 33:803.e7-803.e13. Ver Link
Contreras F, Gonzalez N, Viveros M, Guzmán M. Cross-cultural adaptation of the Chilean Version of the Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL). Codas. 2019;31(3):e20180213. Ver link
Calvache C, Guzman M. Revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre medidas aerodinámicas de la fonación. Revista de Logopedia Foniatría Audiología. 2018; 38:130-137. Ver link
Saldias M, Guzman N, Lizana J, Sandoval G, Vergara C, Quezada C. Water Resistance Therapy as Vocal Warm-Up Method in Contemporary Commercial Music Singers. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2020;72:1-12. Ver Link
Fisancho K, Salfate L, Lizana K, Guzman M, Quezada C. Immediate effect of semioccluded ventilation mask on subjects diagnosed with functional dysphonia and subjects with normal voice. Journal of Voice. 2020;34:398-409. Ver link.
Calvache C, Guzman M, Bobadilla M, Bortnem C. Variation on Vocal Economy After Different Semioccluded Vocal Tract Exercises in Subjects With Normal Voice and Dysphonia. Journal of Voice. In press. Ver link
Guzman M, Saldivar P, Perez R, Muñoz D. Aerodynamic, electroglottographic, and acoustic outcomes after tube phonation in water in elderly. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2018;70:149-155. Ver Link
Saldias M, Guzman M, Miranda G, Laukkanen A-M. A computerized tomography study of vocal tract setting in hyperfunctional dysphonia and in belting. Journal of Voice. 2019;33:412-419. Ver Link
Guzman M, Miranda G, Muñoz D, Jara R, Pino J, Olavarria C, Madrid S. Configuration of vocal folds during and after tube phonation in subjects with voice disorders: A computerized tomographic study. Journal of Laryngology and Voice. 2016;6:36-43. Ver Link
Guzman M, Acuña G, Pacheco F, Peralta F, Romero C, Vergara C, Quezada C. The impact of double source of vibration semioccluded voice exercises on objective and subjective outcomes in subjects with voice complaints. Journal of Voice. 2018; 32:770.e1-770.e9 Ver Link
Portillo P, Rojas S, Guzmán M, Quezada C. Comparison of effects produced by physiologic versus traditional vocal warm-up in contemporary commercial music singers. Journal of Voice. 2018;32:200-208. Ver Link
Guzman M, Jara R, Olavarria C, Caceres P, Escuti G, Medina F, Medina L, Madrid S, Muñoz D, Laukkanen A-M. Efficacy of water resistance therapy in subjects diagnosed with behavioral dysphonia: a randomized-controlled trial. Journal of Voice. 2017;31:385.e1-385.e10. Ver Link.
Salfate L, Guzman M. Physiological approach of voice rehabilitation in vocal nodules: a single case study. Revista digital EOS Peru.2016; 7: 28-41.
Guzman M, Miranda G, Olavarria C, Madrid S, Muñoz D, Leiva M, Lopez L, Bortmen C. Computerized tomography measures during and after artificial lengthening of the vocal tract in subjects with voice disorders. Journal of Voice. 2017; 31:124.e1-124.e10. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Ortega A, Olavarría C, Muñoz D, Cortez P, Azocar MJ, Cayuleo D, Quintana F, Silva C. Comparison of supraglottic activity and spectral slope between theater actors and vocally untrained subjects. Journal of Voice. 2016; 30: 767.e1-767.e8. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Laukkanen A-M, Traser L, Geneid A, Richter B, Muñoz D, Echternach M. The Influence of Water Resistance Therapy on Vocal Fold Vibration: A High Speed Digital Imaging Study. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology. .2017; 42:99-107. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Castro C, Madrid S, Olavarría C, Leiva M, Muñoz D, Jaramillo E, Laukkanen A-M. Air pressure and contact quotient measures during different semi-occluded postures in subjects with different voice conditions. Journal of Voice. 2016;30: 759.e1-759.e10. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Calvache C, Romero L, Muñoz D, Olavarría C, Madrid S, Leiva M, Pino J, Bortnem C. Do different semi-occluded voice exercises affect vocal fold adduction differently in subjects diagnosed with hyperfunctional dysphonia? Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2015; 67: 68-75. Ver Link.
Master S, Guzman M, Kelly A. Perceptual and acoustic analysis of Brazilian Actresses’ voices. Revista digital EOS Peru. 2015; 6: 10-20.
Hampala V, Laukkanen A-M, Guzman M, Horáček J, Švec J. Vocal fold adjustment caused by phonation into a tube: A Double Case Study Using Computed Tomography. Journal of Voice. 2015;29:733-742. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Lanas A, Olavarria C, Azocar M-J, Muñoz D, Madrid S, Monsalve S, Martinez F, Vargas S, Cortez P, Mayerhoff R. Laryngoscopic and spectral analysis of laryngeal and pharyngeal configuration in non-classical singing styles. Journal of Voice. 2015; 29:130.e21-28. Ver Link.
Master S, Guzman M, Azocar MJ, Muñoz D, Bortnem C. How do laryngeal and respiratory functions contribute to differentiate actors/actresses and untrained voices? Journal of Voice. Journal of Voice. 2015;29:333-45. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Muñoz D, Vivero M, Gonzalez C, Marin N, Ramirez M, Rivera M T, Vidal C, Gerhard J. Acoustic Markers to Differentiate Gender in Prepubescent Children’s Speaking and Singing Voice. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2014; 78:1592-1598. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Barros M, Espinoza F, Herrera A, Muñoz D, Lloyd A. Laryngoscopic, Acoustic Perceptual, and Functional Assessment of Voice in Rock Singers. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. 2013;65:78-86. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Rubin A, Cox P, Landini F, Jackson-Menaldi C. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation of The Cricothyroid Muscle in Patients with Suspected Superior Laryngeal Nerve Weakness. Journal of Voice. 2014;28:216-225. Ver Link.
Mazzetto K, Master S, Guzman M, Bortnem C. Differences in Acoustic and Perceptual Parameters Between Elderly and Young Women at Habitual and high Intensity. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2014;65:76-84. Ver Link.
Mayerhoff R, Guzman M, Jackson-Menaldi C, Muñoz D, Dowdall J, Maki A, Johns M, Smith L, Rubin A. Analysis of Supraglottic Activity During Vocalization in Healthy Singers. Laryngoscope. 2014;124:504-509. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Castro C, Testart A, Muñoz D, Gerhard J. Laryngeal and Pharyngeal Activity During Semi-occluded Vocal Tract Postures in Subjects Diagnosed With Hyperfunctional Dysphonia. Journal of Voice. 2013;27:709-716. Ver Link.
Master S, Guzman M, Dowdall J. Vocal Economy in Vocally Trained and Untrained Female Subjects. Journal of Voice. 2013;27:698-704. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Laukkanen A-M, Krupa P, Horáček J, Švec J, Geneid A. Vocal Tract and Glottal Function During and After Vocal Exercising with Resonance Tube and Straw. Journal of Voice, 2013;27:305-311. *Journal of Voice Best Paper Award 2013. *Higly cited Paper Journal of Voice. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Barros M, Espinoza F, Herrera A, Parra D, Lloyd A. Resonance Strategies Revealed in Rock Singers During Production of High Notes. Journal of Singing. 2014;71;183. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Rubin A, Muñoz D, Jackson-Menaldi C. Changes on Glottal Contact Quotient During Tube Phonation and Phonation with Vibrato. Journal of Voice. 2013; 27: 305-311. Ver Link.
Master S, Guzman M, De Miranda H, Lloyd A. Electroglottographic Analysis of Actresses and Non-Actresses’ Voices in Different Levels of Intensity. Journal of Voice. 2013; 27: 187-194. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Correa S, Muñoz D, Mayerhoff R. Influence on Spectral Energy Distribution of emotional expression. Journal of Voice. 2013;27: 129.e1-129.e10. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Higueras D, Finchiera C, Muñoz D, Guajardo C, Dowdall J. Immediate acoustic effect of straw phonation exercises in subjects with dysphonic voices. Logopedics Phoniatrics and Vocology. 2013;38:35-45. Ver Link.
Guzman M, Angulo M, Munoz D, Mayerhoff R. Effect on long-term average spectrum of vocal warm-up with vocal function exercises. International Journal of Speech Language Pathology. 2013; 15:127-135. Ver Link.
Guzmán M, Dowdall J, Rubin A, Mayerhoff R, Levi S, Menaldi C. Influence of Emotional Expression, Loudness and Gender on the Acoustic Parameters of Vibrato in Classical Singers. Journal of Voice. 2012; 26:675.e5-11. Ver Link.
Guzmán M, Malebran C, Zavala P, Saldivar P, Muñoz D. Cambios acústicos de la voz como signos de fatiga vocal en locutores de radio: resultados preliminares. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012; 64: 176-183. Ver Link.
Guzmán M, Coleman C, Rubin A, Belanger J, Jackson-Menaldi C. The use of the mobile voice laboratory in the operating room during type I thyroplasty with Goro-tex. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española. 2012;63:364-369. Ver Link.
Guzmán M. Terapia con tracto vocal semi-ocluido: Un estudio de caso. Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología. 2012;11:87-97. Ver Link.
Guzmán M, Callejas C, Castro C, García-Campo P, Lavanderos D, Valladares M, Muñoz D, Carmona C. Efecto terapéutico de los ejercicios con tracto vocal semi-ocluido en paciente con disfonía musculo tensional tipo I. Revista Logopedia Foniatría y Audiología. 2012; 32, 139-146. Ver Link.
Guzmán M, Higueras D, Fincheira C, Muñoz D, Guajardo C. Immediate effect of a vocal exercises sequence with resonant tubes. Revista CEFAC 2012:14(3):471-480. Ver Link.
Tomicic A, Martinez C, Chacon L, Guzmán M. Patrones de Cualidad Vocal en Psicoterapia: Desarrollo y Estudio de Confiabilidad de un Sistema de Codificación. Revista Psykhe. 2010:20(1):77-93. Ver Link.
Guzmán M. Calentamiento de la vocal en profesionales de la voz. Revista Logopedia Foniatría Audiología. 2010:30(2):100-105. Ver Link.
Guzmán M. Entrenamiento del vibrato en Cantantes, Revista CEFAC. 2010:13(1):568-578. Ver Link.
Tomicic, A., Bauer, S., Martinez, C., Reinoso, A., & Guzmán, M. (2009). La Voz como una Herramienta Psicoterapéutica: La Perspectiva de los Terapeutas. Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica,18 (3):197-208. Ver Link.
Guzmán M, Correa S, Ferrada P, Mamami G, Perez C. (2009). Modificación de los parámetros vocales en la interpretación de las emociones básicas. Revista Metavoces, 5(7):95-109.
Tomicic A, Martínez C, Bauer S, Reinoso A, Guzmán M, Chacón D. El sonido de la psicoterapia: Visión general de una línea de investigación. Gaceta de Psiquiatría Universitaria. 2010: 6(1), 98-107. Ver Link.
Tomicic, A. Martinez, C. Guzmán, M. Patrones de cualidad vocal en psicoterapia: Desarrollo y estudio de confiabilidad de un sistema de codificación. Memorias del Primero congreso iberomericano de voz cantada y hablada. Buenos Aires. Argentina, 2010. CD, ISBN 978-978-26209-0-5.
Guzmán M, Jackson-Menaldi C, Rubin A. Movimiento paradójico de las cuerdas vocales: Un estudio de caso. Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología, 2009, vol. 9(1), pp 63-78. Ver Link.
Guzmán M. (2006) La voz del cantante: Una integración de ciencia y arte. Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología. Vol. 7(2), pp 75-100. Ver Link.